Sunday, December 18, 2011

Week5: Science


Because 2010 Shanghai World Exposition is the latest world expostion till now, it includes many different kind of scientific research and results.

Scientific calculations and methods of measurment is very important for making all the technology effects efficient and precise. Bailianjing (a river in Shanghai) near Expo site was treated with natural ecological restoration technology by scientists, so that it has self-purification, self-regulating, self-balancing features.[1] The "eco-intelligent building technology" research project based on the results of the "eco-house in Shanghai - Shanghai eco-building model building", as our physical case selected for the Shanghai World Expo, is a comprehensive integrated application and show for nergy conservation, resource recycling,  and other technologies.[2] It reduced carbon dioxide emissions throughout the year for 140 tons, which is an energy saving over 60%.[3] This will lead the future direction of development in ecological building. In terms of a larger scale, scientists have implimented varioud devices for Wordl Exposition Shanghai, such as the "cool temperature" technology research, the natural wind tunnel design, the use of functional materials and water features, mist refreshing, and many other proposed solution.

Scientifice researches can also be observed from the safety and health aspects. Highlighting the people-oriented, safe and healthy concept, science and technology research organization focused on food security, emergency prevention and other aspects of food testing.  By building the public facilities in the computer in three-dimensional scenes, scientists simulated the flow of movement and sudden disasters occur during the World Expo, in order to respond to possible emergencies. This provide a scientifically reliable and efficient means of supporting analysis. Scientists focused on food pathogens, toxic and harmful substances, such as rapid field detection of genetically modified organisms, and they have successfully developed a number of food safety testing products. Shanghai World Expo site and surrounding areas will take those researches into consideration. Also, for safety, the face image capture and matching systems in the Shanghai World Expo site entrance and all the important sites, achieved 24-hour surveillance, through the face recognition technology to ensure the park’s safety.

In the operational management of the Expo, the organizers focused on traffic management inside and outside the park, distribution of high-strength passenger safety and guidance, multi-language information, and publishing scientific and technological innovation. "Shanghai Expo comprehensive and integrated intelligent transportation systems technology" project has been completed, so traffic management in Shanghai was an integrated application of information technology, intelligent control technology to ensure the rush hour. Shanghai World Expo will be held during the smooth flow of traffic provided by technical support. 


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