Sunday, December 18, 2011

Week 8: Ground Plan

上海世博会建筑施工(Building Construction of Expo 2010 Shanghai China), 上海世博会事物协调局,上海市城乡建设和交通委员会主编,上海科学技术出版社,2010,中国,p1-2.

An interesting and new aspect of Shanghai World Expo is the use of online world expo. The idea is that by making the ground plan and whole site of Shanghai World Expo into online three-dimensional images, people can get access to Shanghai World Expo at home. The following link is the online world expo:

Zone A is located in Pudong, east side of the Expo Axis, PTZ Road to the east, and Bailianjing (the river) to the west. Area A, in addition to centralized arrangement of the China Pavilion and the Museum of Asian countries outside Southeast Asia.

Zone B is located west of Area A, east of Pudong Lu Pu Bridge, including a museum, Oceania National Museum, Museum and public international organizations, performing arts centers, sports centers and buildings.

Zone C is located west of Lupu Bridge in Pudong after the beach area,planning layout layout Europe, the Americas, Museum of African countriesand international organizations Museum. Arranged at the entrance of about10 hectares of a large public playground.

Zone D is located in Puxi, west of the Expo Axis, intends to retain the cradle of China's modern national industry Jiangnan Shipyard, the characteristics ofa large number of historic buildings, set to transform corporate pavilions. Inthe east of the site to retain the use of the dock and slipway, planning an outdoor public display and cultural sites.

Zone E is located in Puxi, east of the Expo Axis, the new Museum ofindependent enterprises, the establishment of best practice urban areas.

Zone A
China Pavilion,
Asian Countries Pavilions (Except South Eastern Asia)
Zone B
Theme Pavilion and other City Pavilions,
South Eastern Asia Pavilions,
Oceania Countries Pavilions,
International Organization Pavilions,
Public Activity Center,
Performance Center
Zone C
Foreign Countries Pavilions (Europe, America, Africa)
Zone D
Cooperation Pavilions
Zone E
Cooperation Pavilions,
UBPA Pavilions.


Great Online Ground Plan Image Source:

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